
Looking for an Apartment in Jakarta ? Here’s How the Market Stands

GOOD NEWS! Jakarta has an oversupply of luxury apartments and condominiums! Having lived in Europe for most of my life, where high-rise apartment buildings are often associated with lower-income housing, I was surprised to find that this is not the case in Jakarta.  I was amazed by the skyscrapers and the high quality of what are considered luxury condos in Jakarta. All luxury apartments come with...

Next Destination, Jakarta, Indonesia !

Your bags are packed, your house is empty, and you're waiting for the taxi to take you to the airport. Yep, you're all set for your next adventure, and your next destination is Jakarta, Indonesia! Moving to a new country can be daunting. Moving to a country you’ve never been to, with a population of over 365 million people, and as the largest Muslim country in Southeast Asia, can feel even more...

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